Hi, my name is Alejandro Rodriguez
I'm the Web Developer you need.

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Web Developer

Graduated in Computer Engineering in the Polytechnic School of the University of Extremadura (Spain). Frontend web developer with two years of front-end programming experience (Developing the web application for ING bank). In the two companies where I have worked I have brought teamwork and determination to provide solutions.

Specialized in web development and native developer using React Native. My main skills are JavaScript and React.

I have always worked as a team, with a fluid relationship with the rest work areas.

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Apple Store

Resposive E-commerce application using React and Redux.
What would happen if react belonged to apple... See it!

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Coronavirus Country Data Finder and TodoList using Vanilla JavaScript. Stay up to date with the latest coronavirus by country. You also have a list of chores to plan your days at home. #StayAtHome

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Burger Maker

Responsive mobile and web app using using Hooks, React Router, Redux. Feel free to use it... and enjoy your burger!

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+34 662170091

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